Looking Forward: Our Increasingly Digital World
In our fifth annual conference, the Sadie Collective turns her eyes to the future. What does a future which centers the collective look like? How will the growth of technology intersect with economics and inevitably impact our future economists, policy makers , and communities ? How can we best prepare for a rapidly changing future, and carve a seat at the table and in some cases, create our own?

2023 Conference Schedule
February 16, 2023 Research Reception | Brookings Institute
3:30 - 6:30 PM ET
Come learn from six amazing research scholars in training who have conducted research in economics and entrepreneurship. The space will also facilitate networking amongst established scholars and attendees also looking to hone their research ability.
*RSVP by adding this event to your ticket in Eventbrite

February 17, 2023 Day 1 | Urban Institute
9:00 AM Breakfast and Registration
9:30 AM Opening Remarks & Welcome
9:50 AM Keynote Address: Banking on Black Women: The Opportunity of Now
Black women have historically been financially underserved. However, with the emergence of the cashless economy due to the pandemic and financial technology, the opportunity to create our own table without permission is now.
10:20 AM Break
10:30 AM Shaping Our Future: Policy, Trade, and Our Digital Reality
Chat and discuss policies/data, trade in a digital world, and its impact on marginalized communities (most especially Black women) with insight from USTR
11:15 AM Climate Change, Economics, and the Black Community
Will this truly be the coldest summer of the rest of our lives? How do rising temperatures and sea levels impact the Black community? How has the history of housing impacted economic opportunities for Black Americans? Join environmental justice pioneer Dorecta Taylor to discuss these questions and more as we discuss climate change, economics, and the Black community.
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Quantifying Harm: Economic Research on Social Harm Reduction
This workshop will offer attendees hard skills on data collection and disaggregation. Our workshop leads will offer their advice on how to collect and interpret data that truly reflects the reality of the populations tested.
1:00 PM Navigating Higher Education as an Economic Major and Beyond
This panel is geared towards those who are our high school attendees, curious about what college as a social science major can look like. Beyond that the panel will bring first hand knowledge from PhD students as well. Join this session to get your burning questions answered!
2:00 PM Bridging the Gap: Kickstarting Your Financial Journey to Generational Wealth
Discuss and demonstrate the reality of building generational wealth, spotting untrustworthy money making plans, and having a cultural discourse around working towards creating the future you deserve.
2:00 PM Professional Development: Empowerment through Mentorship
Focus and discuss ways in which to empower and progress in respectives careers and fields, as well as the importance of meaningful mentorship.
3:00 PM Career Fair
Meet recruiters from Brookings Institutions Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy, Goldman Sachs, FRBC, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Urban Institute, Penta, FRBoG, FRBC, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Stanford University, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Mathematica, African Center for Economic Transformation, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Peterson Institute for International Economic, Treasury
3:00 PM Headshot Session
As you network and appreciate the research presentations, come by one of our booths to receive a professional headshot.
February 18, 2023 Day 2 | Urban Institute
9:00 AM Breakfast and Check-In
9:00 AM What's New Sadie?: Business Roundtable
An open session to hear updates (Board, Mission, feedback) on all things Sadie Collective from our Sadie Collective board and other members of the Sadie community.
9:30 AM A Word from Our Sponsors
This will serve a welcome and an opportunity to hear from one of our sponsors and the work they are doing with Sadie.
9:45 AM Fireside Chat: The Black Agenda
Off the heels of the release of her book, "The Black Agenda: Bold Solutions For a Broken System", Sadie co-founder, Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman sits down to discuss the possibilities when it comes to enacting meaningful change in the world of economics and technology.
10:30 AM Break
10:40 AM Automation & Growth in a Pandemic: What Does This Mean for Minority Workers?
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated trends in automation as many employers seek to save on labor costs amid widespread illness, increased worker leverage, and market pressures to onshore supply chains. What and what is at risk? How will automation impact pre-existing structural issues around racial inequality? What is the potential interplay of automation with recent developments in artificial intelligence?
11:30 AM Black Women and the New World Order
Erikan Obotetukudo breaks down the future of economic, technology, and cultural trends with Black women at the center.
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Getting Ahead of the Curve: Tech and Growth in Africa
Africa is a hub for human innovation and may very well grow to be a leader in our increasingly digital world. In this panel, we invite policy makers and entrepreneurs to discuss their experiences with investments and business growth on the continent, and how digital money exchange shapes their work.
2:00 PM The Future of Work: Labor Economics in an Increasingly Digital World
With more and more companies offering long term or even permanent remote work options, office dynamics and social expectations are shifting. How do the remote and hybrid workplaces impact Black women’s experiences with the conduct evaluations, code switching, and respectability politics that were so prevalent before COVID-19? In this session, Sadie members will gain information and perspective that can help them choose which work model is best for them.
2:10 PM Break & Poster Session
2:30 PM Black Women Drive the DMV: A Report on Economic Mobility and Outcomes
This session highlights an ambitious yet necessary research project led by The Sadie Collective and Black Women's Roundtable (BWR). With a generous investment from JP Morgan Chase Philanthropy, The Sadie Collective and BWR set forth to collect and present data-driven research of how Black women faring in the Capital region and what factors have impacted their economic status.
3:20 PM Closing Remarks
3:30 PM Mentorship Roundtable
During the mentorship roundtable, conference attendees will meet with pre-assigned mentors for an intimate discussion on personal and professional growth and development. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from and bond with mid- and senior level professionals currently working in fields of interest to them.
6:00 PM Awards Night Ceremony
We close the conference weekend with a celebratory event to honor all of the Black women and allies who have contributed to The Sadie Collective and furthered the mission. Our members have selected phenomenal women who have made an impact in economics, public policy, finance, tech to be this year's awardees. Come dressed to impress in cocktail attire and help us celebrate!